Barbora Večeřová

Mgr. Barbora Večeřová

You are genious!

Právě pro Vás chystám naprosto jedinečný a magický zážitek:

Druhý ročník akce:


Letos obohatíme program o dvě individuálnější akce: Kakaoceremonii a AyniHarmonyCeremonii. 

Pro VÍCE INFORMACÍ a pro VSTUPENKY, klikněte zde:

My goal is to connect the world of classical medicine with the world of energy medicine.. Tyto dva pohledy se nevylučují, ba naopak je Ize s úspěchem kombinovat, proto ráda uvítám v publiku ještě více lékařů a zdravoních sester, než bylo na jarním kongresu:-) Kongres je ale určen široké veřejnosti.

And what does is acctually mean Energy medicine?

Vše, co spadá do oblasti Kvantového pole člověka. Tedy vše šamanismem počínaje a moderními přístoji měřitelnými neurovědami konče.  Samozřejmě sem patří také propojení jedince s přírodou a duchovním světem.

My mission is to spread awareness of complex work with energy in public. My goal is to inform you that you have abilities that you don´t know about, because you are not aware of them. You are able to change absolutely everything in your life with the help of energy work. You can create your life you dream of. You can restore health. You can find inner peace, happiness and overall abundance. You can work with your energy field either under guidance of an expert or by yourself using various meditation techniques, or you can be treated by a shaman as a client.

The key to success is to firstly correct your energy field, which secondarily will very quickly affect your physical body and the material world around you. The principles are described in Quantum Physics and neurosience, but the shamans traditionally work with these methods.

It sounds incredible, but the energy field around every person, including you, is perfect and brilliant, that is why:

You are genious!


Discover the pearl inside yourself!

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